101 Shooting Excuses book by Bryn Parry
Bryn's wonderful cartoons illustrate his excuses and make this book the essential gift for every shooter. At 6 inches square it's also the perfect size to keep in the pocket and, if you miss, whip it out and select the perfect phrase...it could even be 'Sorry, I was reading 101 Shooting Excuses and didn't see that bird.' Bryn Parry.
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William Evans Shotgun and Rifle Makers established in 1883 and located in the heart of London. We produce exquisite Best Guns as well as stocking a large range of second hand guns. Coupled with this, we sell an extensive range of essential shooting accessories, clothing and gifts.
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William Evans Bisley Shotgun and Rifle Makers. Located on Bisley Shooting Ground, William Evans Sporting Bisley stocks a range of professional sporting equipment and clothing for a wide range of disciplines.